Welcome to AMLUCS 2024 ●

Unlock the future of cyber security at Applied Machine Learning for Cyber Security (AMLUCS) 2024. Join cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence (AI) experts, industry representatives, and academic researchers as they present the latest advancements in machine learning technologies. Discover how AI-driven innovation is revolutionising the way we protect our digital world through insightful talks, keynote sessions and networking!

Building on the success of the first Applied Machine Learning for Cyber Security (AMLUCS) conference event in 2023, and to align with the Ministry of Defence’s (MOD) Science and Technology vision to build knowledge and growth across the UK cyber community, we will be hosting the second AMLUCS event on the 2nd and 3rd of October 2024 at We The Curious, Bristol Science Centre.

The aim of the event is to continue to build a cyber community with a common, focussed passion, and to work together to push the limits of the AI/ML cyber fields. It is a technical conference aimed at those working in cyber security, cyber resilience, and AI/ML areas.


Call for Submissions! We are inviting submissions for AMLUCS to be considered to present or submit a poster, on the following themes:

  • AI/ML Innovations & Applications in Cyber Defence
  • Enhancing Cyber Resilience through Human-Machine Teaming
  • Leveraging Foundation Models & GPAI for Cyber Defence
  • AI-Powered Computer Vision for Enhanced Cyber Resilience
  • Responsible, Ethical, Trustworthy & Fair AI/ML

Tickets are £50 pp (inc VAT)

Register Here to purchase a ticket! ***UPDATED (Registration closes 29th September 17:00UPDATED***

We look forward to seeing you in October!

Contact Us

For general questions and enquiries, please contact us at amlucs@fnc.co.uk